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by Christ Michael & Candace

2009 November 01

... Eu transferi a administração do dia-a-dia para Machiventa e Monjoronson. Existem outros planetas que são parte da rebelião, que requerem um tanto de minha atenção pessoal nesse momento, neste corpo que estou usando.

Um planeta está particularmente em dificuldades, e este fica em Orion. Nós estamos agora removendo os últimos dos reptilianos também neste lugar, assim como fizemos no mundo de vocês há uns 2 ou 3 anos. O que eu estou fazendo lá é bastante similar ao que eu faço aqui [na Terra]. Esse mundo ao qual eu faço visitas constantes, alguns dias de cada vez, não é tão problemático como o mundo de vocês, mas ele se encontra a muita distância da luz e da vida. Ele não está em um sistema solar que já se prepare para a ascensão, porém com o tempo, ele também alcançará a Eclíptica Galáctica e vai passar pela experiência que o mundo de vocês está passando há uns 3 anos. O mundo de vocês de fato entrou um pouco antes do tempo previsto, porque nós estamos rebocando vocês até uma corrente nova de energia, o que significa que o Sistema Solar está sendo rebocado, não apenas o Planeta Terra.

E quanto a “fazer um reboque” ... nós apenas temos que rebocar o “planeta X” e todo o sistema solar vem junto. Cada sistema solar tem seu Planeta X [um astro maciço, escuro e de pouco tamanho, como centro gravitacional], e é através destes corpos que sistemas solares inteiros fazem seu percurso em torno de suas estrelas centrais.

Vamos agora ao assunto menos agradável. A despeito de 3 anos agora de trabalho, com as partículas que vêm atravessando o espaço até vocês, aqueles que são os darks entre vocês não parecem estar dando a mínima, e não parece que eles o farão de forma alguma. Nós realmente esperávamos que alguns poderiam despertar um pouco, com os seus controladores reptilianos e Anunnaki não mais presentes... porém, tristemente as dificuldades permanecem enormes.


Eu não consigo saber até hoje, o que foi mesmo que deu errado nesse mundo... Os anjos que se precipitaram na rebelião já consertaram tudo direito, mas os outros bandidos galácticos nada aprenderam.

Em nossa preocupação para com os povos da Terra em geral, nós impedimos uma quantidade de preparações de ataques do tipo 9-11 [Ataques false-flag, como em Set. 11, 2001 nos EUA]. A Russia tem sido de bastante ajuda nesse empreendimento, uma vez que eles têm tantas cosmosferas, e se puseram no alinhamento com o plano divino. Isto nos permite seguir com mais facilidade as regras de intervenção em um planeta. Porém, as regras neste aqui, o meu planeta [de escolha], são diferentes.

Nós estamos nos encaminhando para o stasis muito em breve. Não acreditamos que trazer de volta Jupiter [de atrás do Sol] será de alguma ajuda, poderá ser ou não. Jupiter está posicionado tão distante quanto possível atrás da corona solar, e até já ficou exposto por curtos períodos. [*] Ele continua a interferir no equilíbrio da Terra além do que nos gostaríamos. Nós queremos ter a reversão da polaridade desse modo vagaroso, [**] de modo que ao entrarmos no stasis primeiro, isto vai permitir termos tudo completamente sob controle. Nós continuamos a cuidar para que o Sol fique quieto, por esta razão.


[**] A Terra inverte seu sentido de rotação

A magnetosfera está mesmo pronta para ter um desmaio...

A China passou por um processo severo nos dias da “gripe-aviária”. Isto foi um ataque direto a eles... Nós fizemos uma intervenção, trazendo alguma ajuda naquele cenário.

Quanto à vacina contra a a gripe-suína, nós temos nos introduzido nos laboratórios e desativado o virus que estava contido nas amostras. Isto apenas para assegurar o pouco que ainda resta de paz neste planeta em seus dias finais.

Nós vamos ficar estudando por muito tempo, qual a razão para que as pessoas deste planeta não fizeram o aprendizado, ao longo de milhares de anos. Nós também vamos ficar estudando por algum tempo, qual a razão pela qual as sementes–estelares não fizeram o despertar em grande número. Na verdade, aqueles que são sementes-estelares se tornaram parte do problema.


Estou de volta aqui para ficar até que o planeta entre no Stasis, as questões com o outro planeta e minha necessidade de estar ali foram resolvidas agora. Eu precisava averiguar pessoalmente as questões com os reptilianos de lá. Meus queridos, a forma reptiliana não teve sucesso. Estes são aqueles que ainda são muito sangue-frios. Aqueles que desenvolverem almas dignas irão continuar em outras formas, porém basicamente a forma reptiliana está sendo gradualmente removida da existência.

Sim, eu teria algo a compartilhar com vocês. Este processo tem sido muito longo e muito difícil para mim. Meu universo ficou infestado. Parte desta infestação veio de outros universos; parte dela se desenvolveu diante de meus próprios olhos. Eu já fiz menção antes, nós precisamos pôr sob controle essa estranha, nunca antes vista escuridão, que infestou as criações luminosas. Ela é muito inteligente. A película de vocês acerca da Inteligência Artificial, tocou nesse assunto. Parte dela é artificial. Isso vem de máquinas que aprendem a pensar, que não têm nenhum senso de certo ou errado, nenhum senso de Deus... Há raças que também roubaram DNA, e em laboratórios fizeram uma degradação para obter escravos, estas raças que não têm nem um senso divino do certo e do errado.

A Criação é antiga. Estes problemas contudo não existiam nos primeiros 6 super-universos. Foi em Orvonton que se manifestaram. E isso precisa ser resolvido. Eu sou uma Filho Criador muito “aberto”...


Lucifer falhou, e quando foi acolhido de volta, essa foi sua maior falha, ele não quis se submeter a nenhuma reabilitação, a nenhum novo aprendizado, e escolheu a sua descriação, e isso foi de machucar o coração. Ele não era o satanista perverso que foi sugerido no planeta de vocês, porém terrivelmente desorientado, e ele deixou o seu ego tomar conta do que ele tinha de melhor. Ele queria ser seu próprio Deus, e vocês ainda vêem remanescentes desse tipo nos ensinamentos de “Nova-Era”. Vocês devem seguir no alinhamento [*] com a criação, se vocês desejam galgar aquela grandiosa escadaria que têm diante de si. Ele teve muitos erros de conduta administrativa. Foi assim que nós deixamos que ele ficasse sendo dono da Terra, o meu planeta de semeadura, por um certo tempo, junto com os bandidões, e com o tempo ele acabou entendendo que havia tentado abocanhar muito mais do era capaz de mastigar, e que ele não poderia ser o “deus” de Satania [**], da maneira que ele acreditava.

[*] Alinhamento com a Criação: ensinamento estóico.
Veja: stoapoikile.bravehost/a_stoa_3

[**] Satanía é uma região de nosso universo local. O nome não tinha significado demoníaco até o advento da situação descrita (Livro de Urantia).

Nós ainda temos muito trabalho a fazer pela frente. Eu mesmo derramei minhas lágrimas – sim, a forma em espírito minha, mesmo não derramando lágrimas de verdade, mesmo assim isso me fez chorar... Este é o meu Universo, e eu vou ser obrigado a fazer mais descriações. Nós todos estamos aprendendo com isso, e eu sei que nós vamos ter que arrancar o mal pela raiz muito em breve.


Em suma, nós estaremos indo para o Stasis sob meu comando. Eu tenho estado em idas e vindas para tratar com esse outro problema que se tornou necessário, mas eu também preciso estar aqui pessoalmente para a iniciação do stasis. Nós jogamos a toalha. A Terra chora cada vez mais e a poluição continua a piorar, e as vidas das outras classes de seres nesse mundo devem ser levadas em consideração, uma vez que este é um planeta de semeadura, e ele vai voltar ao seu propósito inicial. As formas de DNA que não estão em alinhamento serão removidas pelo processo da reversão magnética, mais ainda do que nós expusemos até agora. E assim é que recomeçamos. Entendam, eu disse formas de DNA, não almas, o que inclui aquela alma/espírito nas plantas e animais. As almas na Terra irão maturar nas formas que se tornaram sadias.


We Have Thrown in the Rag. The Earth is Crying. #112

Dearly beloveds, Christ Michael here to speak a bit after a rather long absence it would seem. First, let’s cover just a bit on what I have been doing. I recently posted through Daniel Raphael that I have turned over more day to day management to Machiventa and Monjoronson. There are some other planets that are part of the rebellion requiring a bit of my personal attention right now, in this body that I am using.

One planet is particularly having troubles, and this is in Orion. We are currently removing the last of the Reptilians also from that place, as we did on your world a couple years ago or so. I am doing much there similarly to here. This world I am often visiting for a few days at a time, is not quite as troublesome as your world, but longer away from light and life. It is not in a solar system yet facing ascension, but in time, it will also come in the Galactic Ecliptic and experience what your world is now experiencing for 3 years. It has yet to rotate directly in line. Your world actually entered a little earlier because we are towing you to a new energy stream, meaning the solar system is being towed, not just planet earth.

And regards the “towing” ... we have only to tow “planet X” and the whole solar system comes with it. Every solar system has a Planet X [a massive, small-sized dark star], and it is through these bodies that whole solar systems travel around their central stars. Your central star is Alcyone. And in time, in your new energy stream, you will be much closer to Alcyone, and thus not in the long dark period you have been in previously, of 11,000 years at a time. You will be “in the light” all of the time, based on both the energy stream, and the effects of your 3 suns, as Saturn will also be ignited in due time.

Regards being in that Milky Way galactic ecliptic [highest section in orbit for higher energies], you should be noticing some of the rather rapid effects regards your ascension syndromes, and that of your animals. Most of you who are around animals should be noticing they are getting smarter too. The god particles remodel everything!!!! There will be a great surge in evolution upon your plane.

Now, let’s get into the not so nice stuff. Despite the now 3 years of work, by the particles coming through to you, your dark ones just aren’t getting a hint yet and it doesn’t appear they will at all. We did hope some would awaken a bit, with their reptilian and Anunnaki controllers out of the way... but sadly, the difficulties remain huge.


I don’t know yet today, what for sure has gone so wrong on this world. Usually confining thugs together gets results and an upliftment in the DNA, but this time it wasn’t successful. The angels that fell into the rebellion have done all right, but the other galactic thugs didn’t learn.

Out of concern for earth’s peoples in general, we have prevented a large array of 9-11 type attacks. Russia has been most helpful in this endeavor, since they have so many cosmospheres, and have come into alignment with the divine plan. That allows for easier following of the rules of intervention on a planet. These rules however on this one, MY planet, are different.

We are going directly into stasis fairly soon. We do not believe bringing out Jupiter [from behind the sun] will be of any help, but nevertheless, we may or may not. It is placed as far out as possible [behind] the corona, and even has been exposed for short periods. It continues to upset the balance on Earth more than we would like. We wish to have that very slow reversal, so going into stasis first will bring that completely under our control. We have continued to keep a quiet sun for this reason.

Your scientists think that these few new suns spots are of the next cycle, but they do not understand that the Sun is also going to be completely monopolar and it will not thusly experience cycles. This is a slow transition into that state for the sun.

We are placing ships so folks can see them at rise and set. This is not very effective either, because so many never even notice sunrise and sunset, which in normal societies are a time of wonderment and prayer each day. You have lost all of any holy cycles and the knowledge contained therein.

I would suggest that all of you during the remainder of time, sungaze each day where you have opportunity, and make that opportunity. It will help prepare you. You merely stand outside preferably, or indoors if very cold or at work, and stare at the sun when it is low in the sky. If it is too high, you will know, you won’t be able to stare at it. This will raise up your energy levels a bit and help in remodeling your brains.

I was going to give more information for the dark ones, but it seems completely futile to waste my breathe, so to speak. I do breathe in this body by the way.


I suppose you all want the date of stasis. No bananas on that dear ones. Candace will still go first, for her team, and they will be notified, but the rest, you will just find yourselves when it happens wherever you should be. To put out any date, the dark ones would attempt something more than they have attempted, and will also be off to “safe keeping” or so they think, before it happens.

The magnetosphere is truly ready to flop. Flop it does, the vortexes will collapse on each other. We will be going into stasis before this happens, again, so that we can control this, which is probably why we will likely not bring out Jupiter. We will continue with showing ourselves at night, rise, and set, until stasis. Your world, as above, is so out of sync - and the rumors of what makes up the appearance of God at the time of cleansing, is all over the place, and we are sorry, but Jesus still isn’t going to gallop across the sky on a White Horse to gather the saints, er Christians.

There are many at this time leaving for the mansion worlds, and you have excess deaths. There are also, as Esu mentioned in his last piece, the beginning of people becoming ill from the released custom illness, and more than the Ukraine are in great fear right now. The news just doesn’t reach the United States, and you have in increase in this in the United States and it’s being labeled swine flu, and it is not. You do have some better health care there, so it’s less noticeable.

China faced a severe time during the “bird flu” days. This was an direct attack on them, and they did place several areas under extreme quarantine, and even removed several small towns of people entirely from the face of the earth to stop the spread. We did intervene with some help in that scenario.

As to the swine flu vaccine, we have been going into the labs and disabling the virus that is contained therein. This is only to keep what little peace remains on the planet in it’s final days. Many have petitioned to not allow the planet to go into complete chaos and prayers were answered. But this cannot continue beloveds, because of the pollution to the planet. We cleanse some places as we can, and we leave some of it, to be seen, so you would all learn, but you did not.

We will be studying for a long time, just why the people of this planet did not learn, over the eons. We will also be studying for some time, just why the star seeds did not awaken in greater numbers. In fact, the star seeds have been some of the problem. They have become incredibly blind. Their higher selves, to use that word, have been unsuccessful in finding opportunity to download monads into the bodies being used. This is a perplexing condition.

The “higher self’ knows, but the lower self of the incarnation has been most resistant to hearing “from above.” Yea ones are not fully incarnate into the body, your energies are too high, and the communications go through the “silver cord” so to speak, and the silver cord develops “shorts” , and the message is not received. Usually the ascension process of the DNA makes the communications more accessible, but this did not happen for many.


I am back here to stay until the planet is in stasis, the issues with the other planet and my need to be there are resolved at this time. I needed to personally attend the issues with the reptilians there. Beloveds, the reptilian form has not been successful. These ones are still very cold blooded. Those who did develop worthy souls will continue on in other forms but basically the reptilian form is being gradually removed from existence. They develop on climatically hostile planets, and that hostility seems to be difficult to overcome. Some of you who read here are preparing for various difficult jobs ahead, and thus I am giving this little detail. Such is the nature of overseeing the creation and all that develops from it.

I will ask many of you to lay back. Do not continue to attempt to educate those around you in these last days... As the energies “churn” more, the dark are getting very nasty. And the dark includes family members who are not awakened for some of you. It is not necessary for you all be faced with the increasing intolerance and insults. Just be quiet and look the other way.


Now, I have something to share with you. This has been a very long and very difficult process for myself. My universe became infested. Some of this infestation was from other universes; some of it developed in front of mine own eyes. I have mentioned before, we must get a handle on this strange, not seen before darkness that has infested the lighted creations. It is very intelligent. Your movie on Artificial Intelligence, touched on this. Some of it is artificial. Some comes from machines learning to think, which have no sense of right or wrong, no God sense... Races also have stolen DNA, and in the laboratory downgraded it to make slaves, who also have no God sense of right and wrong.

Creation is old. These problems however did not exist in the first 6 superuniverses. It is in Orvonton they manifested. And this must be solved. I am a very “open” Creator Son to finding ways to deal with this. It was my purpose in fact before I came to Nebadon. I have long studied this, and we planned ways, actually to attract some of this to Nebadon, and concentrate it, and get rid of it. And many of you who read this material are volunteers unto that service. This must be stopped.

It is not easy for me emotionally, myself. I do not enjoy having to uncreate something. All universes do face problems of this nature however, there are some life forms that develop that are not satisfactory. But what was a most difficult situation, was mine own angels that “went south” to use your human phraseology. These are my personal creations, and it is not easy to walk from family. Do not your own selves face difficulties with children who seem to not turn out so well? Thus the story of the prodigal son, conveyed by me. I have let my ones to go out and err, in hopes they would come home with new wisdom, and that worked fairly well with the angels of mine and Nebadonia’s creation.

Some failed. Lucifer failed, and when welcomed back, that was his failure, he would not undergo any further rehabilitation to relearn and chose his uncreation, and that was heartbreaking. He was not the evil Satanist suggested on your planet, but awfully misguided, and he did let his ego get the best of him. He did want to be his own God, and you still see remnants of this in the new age teachings. You are to come into alignment with the creation, if you wish to climb that big ladder ahead. He made many management errors. So we let him have Earth, my seed planet, for a time, along with the thugs, and he did realize eventually that he had bitten off more than he could chew, and that he could not be “god” of Satania, in the manner he had hoped.

We still have a great deal of work ahead. I have shed many tears myself, yes, the spirit form of mine, while it doesn’t shed literal tears, nevertheless I have cried. And so has Mother Nebadonia. This was not an easy journey. The plan of placing the thugs together was not altogether successful. These warring groups just don’t seem to get the message, and they have been repeatedly “welcomed home” or rather the offer made, and it doesn’t take. This is my universe, and I am going to have to do some more un-creating. We are all learning from this, and I know we will be nipping the problems in the bud much sooner.

We so have to develop ways yet, to foresee these sooner. We have to not allowed quite so much freedom of will in developing young worlds. Often these worlds have been given, as yours was recently, technology they are not ready for by others, so tough new guidelines are going up regarding the evolutionary and lower “heaven” worlds.

The higher councils of Orvonton have seen the light, so to speak, and know there must be some toughness, otherwise, much will be swallowed up into black holes. Black holes are not understood by your scientists. They are the garbage dumps. There are too many. This is an enigma too. What does happen to them, in time, is they become suns again, the matter, as it is compressed gets quite hot, and thus explodes. Nothing is ever lost, but we sometimes also get suns where we don’t want them yet!

This is because black holes are the densest matter can become, and they aren’t “moveable.” No “tugging boats” designed yet that work. We sometimes have to move some formations out of the way instead. When these explode, huge amounts of matter are released for re use. They do not “suck” in additional matter as some of your scientists suggest. But they are imploded matter where a creation went wrong, and the like attracts like rule functions.

In summary, we are going into stasis at my command. I have been back and forth dealing with this other issue that was necessary, but I must also be here personally for the initiation of stasis. We have thrown in the rag. The earth is crying some more and the pollution continues to worsen, and the lives of other classes of beings on this world are to be taken into consideration, as this is a seed planet, and it is going back to it’s purpose. The DNA forms that are not in alignment will be removed by the process of the magnetic reversal, more so than we have covered to date. And then we start over. Understand, I said DNA forms, NOT souls, which include that soul/spirit in plants and animals. Souls on earth will mature in healed forms.

Namaste, Christ Michael.